"Cultivate your curves-they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided." M a e West

Designed with women in mind. This is a place to empower femininity, inner beauty, and individuality.
Here you will find quotes, motivation, and inspiration

Monday, December 19, 2011

Go Find Yourself

It took 1300 miles, 18 hours, 4 redbulls, a hopeful heart, and a few pages of tattered computer paper to get me down to the state of Tennessee. Was I crazy? Sure. But sometimes life takes a turn towards the shocking.

I was always one to play by the rules. In high school I studied for exams instead of chugging beers in the parking lot. On Friday nights I would find myself surrounded by my scrapbook, pasting photographs onto designer paper. Sure, I had a boyfriend but he didn't seem too enthralled by my "lame behavior"...

I later found out that he cheated on me. I guess a non-drinking-scrap-booking queen wasn't a turn on...

Even though I wasn't ashamed to admit that I was quite crafty, I started to loosen up on the "whole-play-it safe" side of my personality in college. Within four years, I acquired a taste for Jack Daniels, learned how to apply eyeliner, and learned how to dress more like a woman. Although I had come a long way, I still found myself engulfed in a sea of doubt. I couldn't help but think that the persona I exhibited to the world was exactly that- a persona. It was the mask I showed to the rest of the world the minute good ol' Jack gave me a little extra strength to be a little less CAREFUL.

I was predictable.


Fearful of being rejected.

It took a journey to change my perspective; a forgiving stretch of highway.

In truth, my friends questioned my decision. After all, who drops everything they have ever known (a steady job, best-friends, the place you have always called home? In truth, I was tired of being the so-called hamster spinning ferociously on the wheel, eager to move on, but getting NO WHERE. Calling deuces, I sold my furniture, packed my bags, and met my destiny one state line at a time.

Little by little I found myself growing. I started to walk with an air of confidence and even started believing in the power of my dreams. I found myself reaching for the fruit on the limb; the goals I once deemed impossible. After all I had found the courage to do what others thought I could never do.

In my own little way, I had taken the first step in finding myself.

And the rewards? They keep me smiling, eager to tackle the next obstacle that comes my way.

Lipstick Quide

Pick the perfect shade!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rules of a Lady

Sweet Southern Charm

She Believed

Failure is inevitable.

The past two months have been difficult to say the least.
And although I wouldn't like to admit it, I have almost given up on the notion of becoming a published writer. 
Is there a point in trying when you are told "It's not what I am looking for?" How much rejection can one take?

For a dream? 

Well, rejection is the fuel that keeps the fire burning.
Without the naysayers and nonbelievers there would be no hope. No real reason to prove them wrong. 

Sure, there are the lucky few; the anomalies in the sea of prospering talent who by CHANCE get discovered.

But for the rest of us "normal" people, it takes time, dedication and hard work. 

I saw this photograph on Pinterest and immediately felt inspired. My belief, although slim, heightened with rendering possibility. If I believed, could I make it happen?  

We will have to see...

In the mean time, I'd like to know your dreams, the secret goals that keep you curious...
Feel free to share, to comment, to give advice to those who may seize to believe....

She believed she could, so she DID. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Boost Your Body Confidence in 5 Easy Ways

There's no reason why you should be staring at that mirror, hating the reflection before you. Sure, we all have "flaws" that we would love to fix, but why obsess about them? Instead of being disappointed, why not make a promise to change your way of thinking?

Now, I am sure you would agree that's easier said than done, so let's start from the beginning:

1. Change Your Mantra:
Sure it's easy to repeat "I hate my thighs" or "I wish I had a flatter stomach" every time you look in the mirror, but where is that getting you? No where. Change your thoughts, change your perception. Try repeating things like "My thighs are strong and carry me through my workouts", anything that will remind you that you ARE beautiful and worthy.

2. Write yourself a love note!
Yes, it sounds extremely corny, but it works! Remind yourself that you ARE wonderful. Keep post-its in your bathroom that say things like "Smile, beautiful," or "Hey there sexy". The daily reminder and affirmation will at least put a smile on your face. 

3.  PLAY!
Stop focusing on being an adult all the time. Kids never worry about looking silly when they are dancing, playing, or twirling about. Let yourself have fun and please do not pay any mind to those who don't understand.

4. Update the wardrobe:
So what, you gained 5 lbs. Stop staring at those clothes that no longer fit you in the closet. Those too-tight pair of jeans are sabotaging your body image. Box them up for now, and treat yourself to a truly great fitting pair.

5. Know that you are not the only one:
Everyone at some point in their lives feels inadequate, not worthy, or not "pretty enough". According to Glamour.com, Whether you’re overweight, super fit or somewhere in between, you may always be dissatisfied with your body unless you tackle what’s inside and find the confidence you need to accept yourself just the way you are.


The State or Quality of Being Divine

"Power and beauty come from a very deep place. You can look at a supermodel and yes she is beautiful, but then you meet a woman who just has something special about her, who becomes more attractive as you get to know her. The older a woman gets, the more she can tap into that--It's about owning who you are."- Brooke Burke

Old fashion magazines and dried tubes of mascara cover her floor. Her pink mirror stands slightly at an angle to make her appear thinner; more ideal. She sighs as she stares at the girl in the mirror. She begins to wonder when her straight, narrow, body began to form womanly curves. She flips carelessly through her Cosmopolitan. The women before her are anomalies, she concludes. How can one be so...so perfect. Again she stares at her reflection begrudgingly as she applies the last coat of mascara. "When will I be beautiful like them? she whispers as if the girl before her will answer. 

It wasn't until 25, I started to appreciate the girl I saw before the mirror, and I know that I am not the only one. Many women I know and do not know, experience the same feelings and the same insecurities. Since a very young age we are taught that we must be a picture of perfection as we are continually subjected to culturally unattainable ideals. Unfortunately, we are all not as genetically blessed as Heidi Klum! But, we should never let this hinder our confidence!

Beauty, has and always will be, in the eye of the beholder. It is in our hearts and our soul that true beauty can be revealed. The clothes, the makeup, the plastic surgery merely accent the woman; these entities do not DEFINE the woman. My intention of writing this blog is to commemorate women of all ages, shapes, and sizes and the beauty within. My goal, although hefty, is to grow with my readers and create that inner confidence that exudes true, breathtaking beauty. So please, put down that foundation, and take a look at the person that lies underneath the makeup. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Self Expression

"Tattoos fulfill a need to inscribe the self as an individual"
Margo Demello
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